" leave it up to your conscience"
Thentell what your conscience should decide
i'm a reporter working on a series about michael jackson.
part of this series will look at his life as a jehovah's witness and his relationship to the faith.
i've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained jw 101 beliefs and teachings.
" leave it up to your conscience"
Thentell what your conscience should decide
where are the convention videos for saturday?
my parents are starting to panic as the videos haven’t been posted on jw org yet and they are supposed to view this morning.
Curious why you/they did not ask the loving shepherds of the congregation?
Instead you chose to ask the online apostates
Easy. Online apostates know what is going on
in the newest governing body update loesche recounts the experience of a jw who was pleased with the results of resuming in-person ministry.
he said, 'i thought people would be scared of the virus, but they were welcoming!
' - 🤣 um maybe he doesn't get out much because kingdom halls are one of the few places left except hospitals that require masks.
CO was disappointed I never got it. Or if did it was too mild to notice. I am the vulnerable group.
They have a need of fear. The focus should be on flu in general, heart attacks, stroke, cancer.
I keep hoping for another surge to close u s down again. Maybe we need a internet and power failure so brother IKantlead will be unable to keep track.
the other day, i chatted to an elderly woman and her daughter who was about 45-50. total strangers.. we were discussing covid when the daughter said, "my neighbor studies with jw's, and the jw's told her 3 months before the virus started, that they had to stop going from door to door because something was coming.".
i've never heard anything like this before - have you?.
Define before. The government panic and confusion went on the whole time.They had a circuit assembly here and said don't shake hands. Then started meetings with only participants attending. Then a abandoned in person.
Locally they are still requiring masks by peer pressure and wiping everything every meeting.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/search/?q=circuit+leasing .
I remember the pricing. Buyer beware.
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/search/?q=circuit+leasing .
Pampered car bought or leased at good price, then sold at top dollar. The old scheme of donating from the assemblies was even worse. I well remember t h e CO commenting on how glad he was to get rid of a car, the same model I had just financed to move to a better vehicle.
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
Even not traveling yourself your goods come by truck. Diesel is about 6 to 7 per. You admit to avoiding things that are priced too high. High beef means more demand for chicken or soy.
Fertilizer is made from natural gas, which is being exported. We will not see russian fertilizer or Ukraine wheat this year.
NG and oil are also t h e source for plastic. Our beloved aluminum bikes need lots of electricity for the aluminum. Steel needs coal.
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
Cushion is gone for us. Housing is taking a hit. Groceries, gasoline, home heat/cooling doubling as promised.
is there one line of prose or poetry that stopped you dead in your tracks and haunted your mind for days on end?
is there a line, a paragraph or a book that feeds your soul and there is no end to its craving?
share it with all of us.
Post script
Mixed up poets, RL Stevenson;
Mother and sire, to you do I commend
Tiny Erotion, who must now descend,
A child, among the shadows, and appear
Before hell's bandog and hell's gondolier.
Of six hoar winters she had felt the cold,
But lacked six days of being six years old.
Now she must come, all playful, to that place
Where the great ancients sit with reverend face;
Now lisping, as she used, of whence she came,
Perchance she names and stumbles at my name.
O'er these so fragile bones, let there be laid
A plaything for a turf; and for that maid
That ran so lightly footed in her mirth
Upon thy breast—lie lightly, mother earth!
is there one line of prose or poetry that stopped you dead in your tracks and haunted your mind for days on end?
is there a line, a paragraph or a book that feeds your soul and there is no end to its craving?
share it with all of us.
Old thread. ??"
" it was a dark and stormy night"......
Siegfried Sasoon
ee cummings; maggie, millie, molly and may. "...a smooth round stone, as small as the world, as big as alone"
poem; anyone lived in a pretty how town
Many many Frost poems
Longfellow; Erotion. (if you can convince the search it is about a slave girl, not aboutheavy rain